%global short_commit 1f80fb0 %global long_commit 1f80fb048eaa208017c005e4166616f42bf2fa24 %ifarch ppc64 ppc64le %global ENDIAN -DBIG_ENDIAN %endif Name: mbrola Version: 20190116git%{short_commit} Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: MBROLA speech synthesizer License: AGPL-3.0 URL: https://github.com/numediart/MBROLA Source0: %{url}/archive/%{short_commit}.tar.gz BuildRequires: make gcc %description MBROLA is a speech synthesizer based on the concatenation of diphones. It takes a list of phonemes as input, together with prosodic information (duration of phonemes and a piecewise linear description of pitch), and produces speech samples on 16 bits (linear), at the sampling frequency of the diphone database. %prep %setup -q -n MBROLA-%{long_commit} %build make EXT_CFLAGS="%{optflags} %{?ENDIAN}" %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_bindir} install -p -m0755 Bin/mbrola %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/mbrola %files %{_bindir}/mbrola %license LICENSE %doc Documentation/* %changelog * Wed Jan 16 2019 Tomas Korbar - 20190116git1f80fb0-1 - Initial commit of package